You are welcome in Velez-Malaga and Malaga!
Lessons for beginners and pro's!
At this moment there are 3 locations available for singing lessons in Axarquia:
- Pasado de Granadillo which is very close to Trapiche and Velez-Malaga (Lesson 1.5 hour is 50 euro's)
- Eddy's Music Factory in Malaga which is very close to the airport (lesson 1.5 hour is 60 euro's)
- Nerja
Why would you try singinglessons from Monica Millar?
- You are being taught by someone with over 30 years of experience.
- You'll learn practical "vocaltools" which are directly applicable.
- All lessons are being recorded which provides you material to work with and re-live the lesson.
- Piano accompaniments can be recorded in your key.
- You'll learn how to sing without straining your voice.
- Open mics are being organised for you to practice singing in front of an audience.
- You'll receive a lot of input within only a few lessons to enjoy for a long time.
- During the lesson you'll sing with the piano which gives you more musical experience.
- You'll learn to use different sounds for different styles.
- Lessons from Monica are very educational but also it's fun!

For pro's:
- Learn how to sing as a pro without losing your voice.
- Learn Vocaltools which you can apply instantly on stage.
- Learn how to expand your range.
- Learn new Vocal techniques to have more options for different sounds.
- Learn how to sing more conscious; "which technique to use in which song".
- Learn to sing jazz and scatting.
- Learn how to sing with power without straining your voice.
- Learn how to accompany yourself on the piano (optional).